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The Right Escape

Rue Louvrex 4

Liège 4000


Opening hours

Wed. - Thu.     13:30 - 20:00
Fri. - Sun.         11:30 - 20:00
Mon. - Tue.      Closed

Contactez-nous sur WhatsApp

Chatter sur Whatsapp

Questions and answers

What clothes do I need for the games?

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We suggest a pleasant and comfortable clothing, the more comfortable the more you can focus on the adventure.

How much time we have for the game?

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Max. 60 minutes

How many members can play at the same time as a minimun?

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2 persons. 

What is the maximum number of persons?

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5 persons are the maximum but exceptions can be made for "alternate reality". In that case please contact us directly.

Minimum Age?

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We recommend that children are 15 years of age or older to play without adults in the room, however younger children may play with their families. Regular price applies.

When do you need to present yourself at the location?

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15 minutes prior the beginning of the game

Can't I just come by spontaneously?

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Unfortunately not, reservations are required. Please refer to our booking calendar for up-to-date availability.

+32 (0) 476 636147
+32 (0) 476 636276
 [email protected].

How can I pay?

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We only accept payments in cash since we don't have any electronic payment devices available

Anxiety/claustrophobia concerns?

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We have found that once participants understand that it is generally a well-lit, decent sized space that is continuously monitored by us, they feel quite comfortable playing. When a team is inside the game, everyone is so focused on enjoying the experience and solving puzzles, they tend to forget they are in a room. 
At any case, any already opened doors stays open and you can go out at any time.